
Why should we eat healthy

I’m sure you have heard many times, that you should eat healthy, exercise and why meditation is so great (next two posts will be about the exercise & meditation). Chances are you have heard this a million times, you might have also decided that this is not for you. That you are perfectly happy to eat whatever you want and you might exercise already or feel that you couldn’t be bothered.

There is so many reasons why you should do this the most obvious one is to improve your health. But there are more, all that processed food we eat as a society today and the main exercise is to walk from the TV to the fridge, okay yes that is a bit of an exaggeration 😉. Eating too much sweets and processed foods cause inflammation in your body, and the most diseases is caused by inflammation. If you keep eating this processed food you will be sick maybe not now but at some stage. It could be Alzheimer’s, cancer or many others, 5% of all disease is genetic that means a whopping 95% is caused by lifestyle 😱 which means we could prevent 95% of all diseases. Now that is pretty scary don’t you think, especially when now it’s estimated that one in every two people will get cancer, add on another few years and that will probably be all of us or close to it.

If you start caring what you put into your body and listen to how you really feel when you eat certain food. You will start to notice food that you don’t agree with or that don’t make you feel good. This is your body’s way of saying no please don’t eat this. We have got so numb to these signs and we keep eating the foods that are nice, and yes, they are addictive. Sugar are 8 times more addictive than cocaine! The food manufactures know this so they purposely add this so you get hooked and they get rich. The worse things are that the government allow this, at least we are a bit luckier in Europe as a lot of things have been banned by the EU, that are still allowed in the US. Sweet’s and processed food also affect your mood and your skin. Say for example, that you have a lot of acne and you might try different creams and might even get prescription creams and tablets in the doctors. In almost all of these cases changing your diet will clear up your skin, what we eat has such an effect on our skin and of course, this won’t happen overnight.


Another thing about processed and modified foods are all the nasty things that they are allowed to add to the food. We wouldn’t voluntarily eat poison as we know this will more than likely kill us or seriously injure us. But the funny thing is we eat or drink poisoning food almost daily. Take fruit and vegetables, the grower adds pesticides and other things so the insects don’t want to eat them, so if the bugs don’t want to eat them should we really be eating them? No, we shouldn’t this is why we should try to buy organic as much as we can. I know not everyone can afford this, but just do what you can and there’s is a particular few that are called the dirty dozen, which are in Ireland (these might change depending on country);

  • Apples
  • Celery
  • Peppers
  • Peaches
  • Strawberries
  • Nectarines
  • Grapes
  • Spinach
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumbers
  • Blueberries
  • Potatoes

If you cannot afford to buy all organic, try to buy these ones as they contain the most pesticides. A lot of us also waste a lot of food, we buy a bag of carrots and maybe only use 3 of them, it would sometimes be cheaper to buy organic and only the amount that we actually will use. This way we save our health, money and the environment. It’s a win-win situation 😊

Mind what you put into your body and your body will reward you with a long healthier life 🙏





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