

Sometimes epiphanies can be the most simple and obvious ones, but still it is so hard to see them. I had one the other day, I was lying in savasana/ corpse pose after my yoga practice, and there I just had an epiphany on how the way I’m doing exactly the same as someone does to me. They say there is a lesson to learn in every challenge which is true, however we do not always see this.

Often it is the simple things, like the one I had. I have this person that no matter what always try to turn everything in to something negative or turn things around to find a way to blame me. When I was lying in savasana I got thinking about which lesson is there to be learned as it keeps happening, then it just dawns to me that I’m doing the same to my kids not to the extent as this person, but still. I had asked my daughter to hang up the wash outside as the weather was nice and she was off school. When I came home, I said to Leah; Thank you so much for hanging up the wash, that really helped me, just next time if you shake the clothes before you hang them up they don’t get wrinkled, just so you learn for the next time. I did say this in a nice way, but I should never have said the second part about the shaking the clothes, as it took away from the praise I gave her. I could have said this the next time instead.


My point here is that this seem to be something small but we do this a lot of the time, we don’t mean to do it but it’s like getting praise and then a dig,  you are more likely to forget that someone praised you and only remember the negative. Instead we should give praise and compliments separate from how to improve as it is so much nicer for the receiver.

I know I usually do what I did, as if not I might forget to say it, but going forward I’m going to try really hard to keep it separate as I myself would much prefer to get it this way. Of course, I will make mistakes but that is okay too, as long as we try.


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