
Be true to yourself

So, what does it really mean to be true to yourself……well to start with follow your heart or your instinct, as it never lies.

It was a while since I wrote here, a lot of things have happened, my life has changed a lot but I’m being true to myself and following my heart. Slowly but surely it is getting better each day, with a few steps back every so often…..but that is the way it is. The hard stuff is what makes you stronger.

There is a lot that have happen the last two years, I have separated from my husband, we were together for 16 years. This has been hard and it is still a working progress getting things sorted, but it is worth every second of the hardship as I am a happier person. But it is never easy when kids are involved, but one thing that is for sure, never ever stay together with someone for the kids’ sake. You might say what??… of course, you have too, well of course you have to try to make it work, but if you know deep in your heart it won’t you have to do it for your own sake and your kids. It would be worse for kids growing up in a loveless relationship, what does that teach your kids….to grin and bear it and be unhappy for the rest of their life. Now you have to show them and teach them to be true to themselves. If you are in a situation where you don’t know what to do, remember that you only have one life (well maybe more) so you have to follow that inner voice. If you do everything will fall into place, yes it will be hard, but it will make you stronger and happier.

Maybe Im lucky I was born strong, for as long as I can remember I have been strong, I have had to be many times too. But everything that have happen to me all the hardship has shaped me as a person and even if I seem strong and have it all together. I also have time when all I want to do is cry and then I do it, be able to show emotions is a sign that you are strong, crying is not a sign of weakness more the opposite. It shows that you are intune with yourself and if you need to cry do, don’t care what other people think of you. that is their issue and says nothing about you, that is on them.

One thing that really gets me is people that bull doze over you or treat you like it doesn’t matter, like people that are like “she is ok she is strong she can handle it” and they keep doing this, it might be small things…but they can really hurt you and it is so damn ignorant. Not nice at all, be kind but don’t let people run over you or don’t take any shite no matter who it is. at the end of the day we are all worth the same no matter status, one skin colour and so on.

Be true to yourself and be kind.

Namaste 🙂


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