
Self sabotage

Why is it that we sabotage for ourselves?

We have decided to eat healthy, do more exercise or whatever it might be. We are doing really well it is going pretty easy finally, then the moment comes when we just sabotage our new way.

Of course, we don’t purposely want to do this, but there is a little voice whispering;

” What if I can never have it again”

In that moment we will have the doughnut or the bag of sweets or something else. Why is it that we keep doing this to ourselves? Is it the fear that we will miss out on something? This is what we might feel, but the truth is we won’t, we will actually gain more as we will feel better and in turn be happier when we put good food in our mouth that makes us feel good.

But it is okay 😊! If this happen the thing is not to go on a big binge and instead say to yourself;” Okay I did fall off the bandwagon, but it’s okay I’m back on track now.” Instead of what many of us do, keep eating loads and say;

” I will start back on Monday” 

How many recognize this? I have certainly said this at least 100 times if not more 😆

The best way to succeed is to start small, change one little thing at the time and then the next thing and so on. This will set you up to succeed and it’s easier to make small changes. Then to do a drastic change.

Remember even if you have setbacks, focus on the thing that you have done, how far you have come, it’s a journey and enjoy the way, notice the small changes that makes you feel good. 😊

Good Luck!


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